jQuery  AJAX Introduction

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies the process of interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM) of a webpage. It provides a wide range of features that make it easy to perform common tasks such as handling events, animating elements, and making AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) requests. AJAX is a technique used …

JQuery Traversing  Filtering

JQuery Traversing Filtering allows you to select elements from the DOM based on their position or relationship to other elements. There are various methods you can use for traversing and filtering in jQuery. Here are some examples: children() – selects all direct children of the current element. find() – selects all descendant elements that match …

JQuery Traversing Ancestors

JQuery provides a set of methods for traversing through the HTML document and finding elements based on their relationship to other elements. These methods are called “traversing” methods. Some common jQuery traversing methods are: Traversing methods are useful for selecting elements based on their relationship to other elements, and can be used to construct complex …

JQuery Traversing

JQuery Traversing refers to the process of navigating through the elements of a HTML document using jQuery selectors. It allows you to select elements based on their relationship to other elements, such as their parent, child or sibling elements. Here are some of the commonly used jQuery Traversing methods: To use jQuery Traversing, you simply …

JQuery  Dimensions

jQuery provides several methods to get or set the dimensions of HTML elements. Here are some of the most commonly used methods: All of these methods can also take an optional Boolean parameter, includeMargin, which when set to true, includes the element’s margin in the calculation. For example, outerWidth(true) will return the outer width of …

JQuery  css() Method

The jQuery css() method is used to get or set the CSS properties of an HTML element. It is one of the most commonly used jQuery methods for manipulating styles of web pages. Syntax for getting CSS property value using css() method: where selector specifies the HTML element to be selected and property is the …

JQuery  Get and Set CSS Classes

In jQuery, you can use the addClass(), removeClass(), and toggleClass() methods to modify CSS classes of HTML elements. Here are some examples of how to get and set CSS classes using jQuery: 2.Removing a class from an element: 3.Toggling a class on an element: 4.Checking if an element has a certain class: 5.Setting multiple classes …

JQuery  Remove Elements

jQuery provides several ways to remove elements from the DOM: 2.empty() method: This method removes the child elements of the selected element(s) but keeps the selected element(s) itself. For example, to remove all child elements of a div element with class “my-div”, you can use the following code: 3.detach() method: This method removes the selected …