How to create a Python Module ? wpaccuracy

To create a Python module, you can follow these steps: It’s important to follow good naming conventions when creating Python modules, such as using lowercase letters and underscores for module names, and using descriptive names for functions, variables, and classes. You should also test your module thoroughly to ensure that it works as intended and …

What is Scope in Python? wpaccuracy

In Python, the term “scope” refers to the visibility and accessibility of variables and functions within a program. Every variable or function in Python has a defined scope, which determines where it can be accessed within the code. There are mainly two types of scopes in Python: It’s important to understand scope in Python, as …

How to hide python module entities? with example wpaccuracy

In Python, you can hide module entities (e.g. functions, classes, variables) using the underscore _ symbol as a prefix to their names. This is known as “private” or “protected” access. Here’s an example: In the example above, public_function and PublicClass are considered public entities that can be accessed from other modules, while _private_function and _PrivateClass …