Java Characters

In Java, characters are represented by the primitive data type char. A char can hold a single Unicode character, which includes ASCII characters, as well as characters from many other writing systems. Here are some important facts about char in Java: Here’s an example that demonstrates some of these concepts: This code declares a char …

Int vs Integer in Java

In Java, both int and Integer are used to represent integer values, but there are some important differences between them. int is a primitive data type in Java, which means it is a basic type that is built into the language. It represents a 32-bit signed integer value and can hold values from -2^31 to …

Android Application Using Java

To create an Android application using Java, you can follow these steps: In summary, creating an Android application using Java involves designing the user interface, writing Java code to implement the functionality, testing the application, debugging and refining the code, and publishing the application.

Java String Array to String

To convert a Java string array to a string, you can use the Arrays.toString() method. Here is an example: This method converts the array to a string representation where the elements are separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets. If you want to remove the square brackets and have a space between the elements, …

Java Hashmap keySet() Example

In Java, a HashMap is a collection that stores key-value pairs. The keySet() method of the HashMap class returns a set of all keys contained in the map. Here’s an example of using the keySet() method to iterate over all keys in a HashMap: In this example, we create a new HashMap called map and …