JQuery Traversing  Siblings

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In jQuery, you can use the traversal methods to navigate and select elements based on their relationship to other elements in the DOM tree. When it comes to selecting siblings of an element, you can use the following traversal methods:

  1. siblings() method: This method selects all sibling elements of the selected element. For example, if you have a <ul> element with several <li> elements as its children, you can use $("li").siblings() to select all the <li> elements that are siblings of the original <li> elements.
  2. next() method: This method selects the next sibling element of the selected element. For example, if you have a <ul> element with several <li> elements as its children, you can use $("li").next() to select the next <li> element that comes after the original <li> element.
  3. prev() method: This method selects the previous sibling element of the selected element. For example, if you have a <ul> element with several <li> elements as its children, you can use $("li").prev() to select the <li> element that comes before the original <li> element.
  4. nextAll() method: This method selects all the next sibling elements of the selected element. For example, if you have a <ul> element with several <li> elements as its children, you can use $("li").nextAll() to select all the <li> elements that come after the original <li> element.
  5. prevAll() method: This method selects all the previous sibling elements of the selected element. For example, if you have a <ul> element with several <li> elements as its children, you can use $("li").prevAll() to select all the <li> elements that come before the original <li> element.
  6. nextUntil() method: This method selects all the next sibling elements until it reaches a specified selector, element or jQuery object. For example, if you have a <ul> element with several <li> elements as its children, you can use $("li").nextUntil(".stop") to select all the <li> elements that come after the original <li> element until it reaches an element with the class “stop”.
  7. prevUntil() method: This method selects all the previous sibling elements until it reaches a specified selector, element or jQuery object. For example, if you have a <ul> element with several <li> elements as its children, you can use $("li").prevUntil(".stop") to select all the <li> elements that come before the original <li> element until it reaches an element with the class “stop”.

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