WordPress User Roles

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WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows multiple users to contribute and manage content on a website. To help manage these users and their permissions, WordPress has several built-in user roles. Here are the default WordPress user roles and their respective permissions:

  1. Super Admin: This role is only available in WordPress Multisite networks and has full control over all sites in the network.
  2. Administrator: This role has full control over the site, including managing users, installing themes and plugins, and editing any content.
  3. Editor: This role can publish, edit, and delete any posts or pages, manage categories and tags, and moderate comments.
  4. Author: This role can publish and edit their own posts, but cannot modify others’ content or access site settings.
  5. Contributor: This role can write and edit their own posts but cannot publish them. They can also upload files and manage their own profile.
  6. Subscriber: This role can only manage their own profile and view content on the site.

WordPress also allows site owners to create custom roles with specific permissions, using plugins or code. Custom roles can help manage specific workflows or access levels on a site.

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