In Java, the super keyword is used to refer to the parent class of a subclass. It can be used to access methods, variables, and constructors of the parent class. Here’s an example: In this example, we have a Dog class that extends the Animal class. The Animal class has a constructor that takes a …
Tag: wp tutorail
WordPress Tutorial series for beginners – wp tutorial wpaccuracy
WordPress is an open-source system. And the Other Word we can say It is a Content management system we can simply write (CMS), which user can change with custome need of his blog as you need tocreate a dynamic website. WordPress is the most, large and popular blogging content management system on the online system …
How to Become a Web Developer – Web development tutorial
Web engineers are at the front line of the Internet age. The sites we peruse, the blessings we request and the news we scrutinize online are altogether made conceivable by the web engineers who configuration, fabricate and actualize Internet sites. They are vigorously engaged with site creation, from helping structure tasteful properties, for example, format …