JQuery Exercises

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Sure, here are a few jQuery exercises that you can try:

  1. Hide/show elements: Use jQuery to create a button that toggles the visibility of a particular element on the page. For example, when the button is clicked, an image could appear or disappear.
  2. Animations: Use jQuery to create an animation effect on a particular element on the page. For example, you could make an image move from one side of the screen to the other when a button is clicked.
  3. Form validation: Use jQuery to validate a form on the page. For example, you could require that a particular field is filled out before the form can be submitted, or check that an email address is in a valid format.
  4. AJAX requests: Use jQuery to make an AJAX request to an external API and display the results on the page. For example, you could use the OpenWeatherMap API to display the current weather in a particular city.
  5. Event handling: Use jQuery to handle user events on the page. For example, you could create a button that changes the background color of the page when it is clicked.

These are just a few examples of jQuery exercises you could try. You can find more exercises and resources online to practice and improve your jQuery skills.

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